Disclaimer and Acknowledgment of Risk
H2T Elite Dryland Training Inc., its officers, directors, agents, contractors, employees instructors, trainers, volunteers, members and representatives (all hereinafter collectively referred to as “H2T”) are not responsible for any injury, loss or damage of any kind sustained by any person (or any person or child for whom I am or may be responsible) while registered as an H2T member participating in any all H2T sanctioned activities, events, training sessions, camps or social activities (hereinafter referred to as “H2T Activities”), including injury, loss or damage which might be caused by the negligence of H2T.
I acknowledge I am aware of the possible risks, dangers, and hazards associated with participation in H2T Activities, including all manner of injuries which may result in muscular injuries and soft tissue injuries (including bruises, scrapes, cuts, etc.) from executing strenuous and demanding physical techniques, collisions with walls, floors, contact with other participants and failures in the proper use of the equipment or techniques either by myself or other participants; and the possible risk of severe or fatal injury to myself or others.
I further acknowledge that my risk of injury increases as I become fatigued. I further acknowledge that such risks may be caused by my own actions and inactions, the action or inaction of others participating in H2T activities, the condition in which the H2T Activities take place, or the negligence of H2T. And I also acknowledge that there may be other risks, social and economic losses not known or reasonably foreseeable to me at this time.
Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims and Indemnity Agreement
In consideration of H2T Elite Dryland Training Inc. allowing either myself or my minor child membership and participation in H2T activities, I agree:
That H2T referred throughout this and other related agreements shall include H2T Elite Dryland Training Inc., shall also include its officers, directors, agents, contractors, employees instructors, trainers, volunteers, members and representatives, and also include any affiliated company, partnership (all hereinafter collectively referred to as “H2T”);
To waive any and all claims that I have or may have against H2T as a result of my own or my minor child’s membership or participation in H2T activities; and
To release, hold harmless and indemnify H2T from any and all liability from any claims, demands, actions, losses, damage, injury or expense that I or my family member may suffer as of my own or my minor child’s membership or participation in H2T activities due to any cause whatsoever, including breach of contract, negligence, breach of any statutory or other duty of care, including any duty of care owed under the Occupier’s Liability Act even though such claims, demands, actions, losses, damage, injury or expense may have been caused by the negligence of H2T.
I acknowledge, agree and represent that I understand the nature of H2T Dryland (as defined on the reverse hereof) that I am qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in H2T Activities. Any special health/physical conditions have been noted above and reviewed with H2T staff.
I agree to follow the rules and regulations of H2T Elite Dryland Training Inc . I understand that the rules and regulations are in place to provide a safe environment for the participant. I understand that I may be photographed or video taped for social media purposes and that there is video surveillance on the premises. I understand H2T assumes no responsibility for replacement of lost or stolen items.
I, the minor’s parent and /or legal guardian understands the nature of athletic activities and the minors experience and capabilities and believe the minor to be qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in H2T Activities. On behalf of the minor I hereby agree to all the terms and conditions contained in this agreement and any references to “I” contained herein shall also be deemed to include the minor. The release, waivers and indemnities granted herein shall be deemed given by the minor and the undersigned jointly and severally without modification or accommodation.
I acknowledge reading this information and receiving a copy of this agreement. I further acknowledge having read the important terms and conditions on the reverse hereof, including those which limit the liability of H2T. I understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature and intend it to be complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law and agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect.
Cancellation and Refunds
All sessions booked with H2T Elite Dryland Training must be cancelled with a minimum of 24hrs notice. If the session is cancelled under these terms the session can be re-booked without penalty. If the session is cancelled with less than 24hr notice the session will not be subject to another time slot and thus deemed as a session used. All changes must be made with H2T directly.
I confirm that once I signed a multi-session contract that I acknowledge that I have 5 business days from the date of execution of this agreement to cancel my initial membership by written notice and receive a 100% refund and after this time, no money will be refunded to me.
All sessions booked with H2T Elite Dryland Training must be cancelled with a minimum of 24hrs notice. If the session is cancelled under these terms the session can be booked without penalty. If the session is cancelled with less than 24hr notice the session will not be subject to another time slot and thus deemed as a session used. All changes must be made with H2T directly. I confirm that once I signed a multisession contract that I acknowledge that I have 5 business days from the date of execution of this agreement to cancel my initial membership by written notice and receive a 100% refund and after this time, no money will be refunded to me.